Home App DevelopmentBest Programming Languages for iOS App Development in 2024
Best Programming Languages for iOS App Development in 2024

Best Programming Languages for iOS App Development in 2024

Published on: May 8, 2024 | By Priyanka Kumari

Technology | Robotics | Innovation

Building an innovative and successful iOS app requires careful planning and execution, starting with choosing the right programming language. This guide dives deep into the world of Programming languages for iOS app development, providing valuable insights to help you make the most informed decision for your project.

What is Programming Language For iOS App Development?

A programming language is a set of instructions used to create applications. In the context of iOS app development, these instructions are translated by the Xcode development environment into code that the iPhone, iPad, or Apple Watch can understand and execute. Choosing the right language for your iOS app is crucial for its performance, functionality, and overall success.

Best Programming Languages for iOS App Development

1. Swift


Swift, introduced by Apple in 2014, is a modern and powerful programming language specifically designed for building iOS, macOS, watchOS, and tvOS development.Its concise syntax, safety features, and speed make it a preferred choice among developers. Swift emphasizes code safety, performance, and ease of use, allowing developers to create robust and secure applications for Apple’s ecosystem.

Swift Offers Several Advantages

  • Modern and Efficient: Swift leverages the latest programming concepts, resulting in faster development cycles and high-performance apps.
  • Easy to Learn: With its intuitive syntax and numerous learning resources, Swift is ideal for both beginners and experienced programmers.
  • Open Source: Swift is an open-source language, encouraging community involvement and constant improvement.
  • Widely Used: Supported by Apple and adopted by a vast developer community, Swift ensures access to resources and support.

Features Swift

  • Flexibility and Safety: Swift’s flexible and robust code ensures secure app development.
  • Automatic Reference Counting (ARC): Efficient memory management by tracking and managing instance usage.
  • Enhanced Functionality: Allows functions to output multiple values and supports generics for error detection.

2. Objective-C


Objective-C, though older than Swift, remains relevant for iOS development. It’s versatile, supporting C, C++, and itself. Plus, it offers high performance, memory management, and compatibility with existing C-based languages. This makes it a powerful option for building efficient iOS apps.

  • Existing Codebases: Many older iOS apps are written in Objective-C, requiring developers who understand the language for maintenance and updates.
  • Interoperability: Objective-C seamlessly integrates with Swift, allowing developers to leverage existing code snippets in new projects.

Features Objective-C

  • High-Performance Compiler: Optimized for hardware acceleration, delivering faster performance.
  • Cross-Platform Support: Access to multiple programming languages facilitates cross-platform app development.
  • Automated Memory Management: Provides automated memory management functions like garbage collection.

3. C#


Developed by Microsoft, C# is a versatile and powerful programming language widely used for various applications, including iOS development through Xamarin. It offers structured error handling, strong support for object-oriented programming, and cross-platform compatibility. C# enables developers to build Windows, Android, iOS, and macOS applications, facilitating code sharing and faster development cycles.

Features C#

  • Structured Error Handling: Enables developers to handle errors in a rational and structured manner.
  • Object-Oriented Support: Offers robust support for classes and object-oriented programming paradigms.
  • Cross-Platform Compatibility: Allows code sharing across different platforms, facilitating efficient development.

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4. Dart (with Flutter)

Dart (with Flutter)

Dart with Flutter empowers you to build native iOS apps using a single codebase.When paired with Flutter, an open-source UI framework, it allows you to create beautiful and performant mobile apps for both iOS and Android platforms using a single codebase. It saves your time and effort.

Features Dart (with Flutter)

  • Native performance: Flutter compiles your Dart code directly to native code, resulting in apps that are as fast and responsive as those written in Swift or Objective-C.
  • Fast development: Flutter’s hot reload feature allows you to see changes in your app instantly without restarting it, significantly speeding up your development process.
  • Rich UI library: Flutter comes with a vast collection of pre-built widgets and components, allowing you to create beautiful and functional iOS apps without writing much code.
  • Open-source and free: Unlike some other cross-platform frameworks, Flutter is completely free and open-source, making it accessible to developers of all levels.

5. Python (with Kivy or BeeWare)

Python (with Kivy or BeeWare)

Python, a highly popular and versatile language, can be used for mobile app development when paired with frameworks like Kivy or BeeWare.

Features Python (with Kivy or BeeWare)

  • Readability and Simplicity: Python’s syntax is clean and concise, making it easy to learn and write code.
  • Cross-platform: Kivy and BeeWare allow you to write Python code once and deploy it to both iOS and Android platforms, saving you time and effort.
  • Wide ecosystem of libraries: Python has a vast library ecosystem that can be leveraged for various functionalities in your app.
  • Developer Experience: Ideal for those who prefer Python’s syntax and ecosystem, but it’s more of a niche in the mobile development world.

6. Java(with Reactive Native)

Java(with Reactive Native)

React Native, using JavaScript, helps build native mobile apps for iOS and Android. Java, known for being object-oriented and robust, isn’t the main choice for iOS but shines in backend work. It emphasizes simplicity, object-oriented principles, and works across devices. Widely used in web apps, servers, and enterprise software for its reliability and rich libraries.

Features Java(with Reactive Native)

  • Simplicity and Robustness: Simplicity in coding with robust error handling and object-oriented architecture.
  • Cross-Device Compatibility: Executes on diverse devices without recompilation, enhancing versatility.
  • Wide Application Scope: Extensive usage in backend development for various web applications.

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How to Choose Right Language for iOS App Development

Choosing the right language for take your iOS app development service depends on several factors:

Project Requirements

  • App Complexity: For simple apps, Swift’s ease of use might be ideal. Complex projects with advanced features might benefit from Objective-C’s stability and legacy code integration.
  • Target Audience: If your app caters to a niche audience, consider the availability of developers skilled in specific languages.
  • Development Team Expertise: Choose a language your team is comfortable with to avoid additional training costs and delays.

Business Considerations

  • Development Time: Swift’s efficiency can lead to faster development, reducing costs and time to market.
  • Maintenance Costs: Objective-C projects might require specialized skills, potentially impacting maintenance costs.
  • Future Development: If you envision future updates and expansion, consider the language’s future scope and community support.

Additional Notes

  • Explore Cross-Platform Frameworks: Frameworks like Flutter and React Native allow you to build iOS and Android apps using a single codebase.
  • Stay Updated: The field of iOS app development company languages constantly evolves. Keep yourself updated on the latest trends and advancements.
  • Consult with Experts: Seek advice from experienced developers to determine the best language for your specific project.


Choosing the right language for your Programming Languages for iOS App Development services is a critical decision that significantly impacts its development process and success. By understanding the strengths and weaknesses of each language and considering your project requirements and business goals, you can make an informed decision that sets your app on the path to success. Explore top iOS app development companies to turn your ideas into innovative and user-friendly mobile solutions.


What is iOS App Development?

iOS app development refers to the process of creating software applications that run on Apple devices such as iPhones, iPads, and Apple Watches.

What language are iOS apps written in?

The two primary languages used for iOS app development are Swift and Objective-C.

Is Flutter better than Swift?

Swift is better than flutter because flutter offers cross-platform development, while Swift is specifically designed for iOS and provides better performance.

Are Python and Swift similar?

Both Python and Swift are relatively easy to learn and have concise syntax. However, they are different languages with distinct application areas. Python excels in data analysis and machine learning, while Swift is best for building iOS applications.

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Priyanka: With 5 years of experience, I specialize in converting traffic into loyal customers using AI-based modern SEO practices and content strategies. My passion lies in decoding the art of SEO, sharing insights on its evolution, and distinguishing it from outdated practices promoted by self-proclaimed SEO experts.